Buying your domain starts the path towards establishing your presence online. It should be the very first thing you do as your company name should be tied to it. Once you’ve bought your domain, then what?
There’s a lot that needs to be done before you have your own piece of online real estate.
Below are five different things you can do after Buying Your Domain Name
#1) Connect Your Domain to Hosting
If you’ve purchased a domain name for the purpose of creating a website, then you’ll also need a hosting account. Buy Hosting from a reputed company. Then copy and paste the nameservers provided by your host into the box where your existing nameservers are located.
#2) Create Domain-Specific Email Address
You’ll be setting up your branded email address from within your hosting account. You can make changes through your cPanel through the app called Email Accounts. Here you’ll enter your email address and select the associated domain name from the drop-down box.
#3) Create Social Media Handles Matching Your Domain Name
Getting social media handles that match up with your website will help to establish your brand online. Even if you don’t plan on using the social media platform right away it can be helpful to lock down specific usernames.
If the branded version of the username is already taken, then trying adding a qualifier to the end of it. Getting an exact match isn’t the most important thing, but try and get it as close as possible.
#4) Create Goals for Your Website
Before you start building your website it’s important to create an actionable plan for what you actually want to accomplish. After all, there are numerous directions you can take with your new site.
Are you setting up a blog?
Are you creating a site for an online service business?
Are you starting an eCommerce website?
Are you creating a news style website?
The type of website you create and the end result your looking for will help to establish your direction. It’s important to sort this out beforehand as it will determine the style of site you end up building.
#5) Start Building Your Website
Your website is the center of your online presence. Now, with your domain and hosting setup, it’s time to start building your website. If you’re choosing to build your own website, then you’ll have numerous directions you can take.
If you prefer to build out a site that allows for greater content development, then consider using a CMS like WordPress and WordPress Hosting. Most hosts, offer one-click installs that will install WordPress on your site with the click of the button. Then, all you have to do is choose a WordPress theme and customize it to your liking.
Hopefully, the tips above will help you take your brand new domain name and start to lay the foundation for a successful website.