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Full Form of ASP

Full Form of ASP

Full Form of ASP – ASP stands for Active Server Page. ASP was developed by Microsoft to allow programmers to create a dynamic website. It is the first server side script engine and now has been superseded by ASP.NET. ASP is an HTML page that includes one or more scripts. Scripts are processed by an ASP interpreter on a web server by using input requested for a page to access data from a database before delivering it to the receiver.

File Extension: .asp (for ASP)

File Extension: .aspx (for ASP.NET)

Full Form of ASP: Active Server Page

ASP stands for active server pages and it is a server-side script engine for building web pages. ASP is basically a server page that contains embedded programs in it. The programs in it are processed on the Microsoft server. The ASP server-side engine basically performs the task of reading and executing the ASP file and then return the file to the browser. It is basically a web-based framework that helps the programmers to build dynamic web pages. ASP can contain scripts as well as standard HTML.

History: ASP was firstly introduced in December 1996 as part of IIS (Internet information services) 3.0 which was called ASP 1.0. Then its subsequent versions came in 1997 and 2000 named ASP 2.0 and ASP 3.0 respectively. ASP 3.0 had some additional features so ASP 3.0 increased its performance.




        <title>ASP page</title>



        <% response.write(“Welcome to NRHosting!”) %>




User Control: The creation of user controls supports the making of reusable components.

Custom Controls: We can make custom controls from ASP. Here the code is compiled into a Dynamic Link Library file.

Rendering Techniques: ASP uses visited composite rendering technique in which composite tree is built.

Code-Behind Model: Microsoft recommends to use the code-behind model for dealing with dynamic program code.

Use of ASP: ASP is mainly used because of its high speed, language-independent nature, and low cost. We can make ASP pages in any language so it is not dependent on a particular language. It is used to develop dynamic websites in a more efficient way.


    ASP reduces the line of code for building the complex applications.

    It has smart caching technologies.

    ASP is language independent so any language can be used for coding it.

    ASP is much faster than other applications.

    ASP is more used now-a-days.


    There is a lot of complexity in pages and there are many performance issues.

    It is dependent on IIS(Internet information services) so it is problematic.

    It has limited development and debugging tools.

    There is no real state management in ASP.

What ASP Can Do

    It responds to user’s request submitted from HTML forms.

    It is simple and provides a greater speed in comparison to Perl and CGI.

    It is secured as ASP code is hidden in the browser and can’t be viewed.

    It can add or change the content of the web page.

    It can access any type of data and returns the result to browser.

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