NR Hosting Ltd

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Free CDN : Our free content delivery network makes your website load quickly, wherever your users are. It includes a suite of speed-boosting features that will accelerate your website. Every NR Hosting Limited web hosting user gets access to it for no further cost.
Our free CDN – for a faster website, globally








North America




Los Angeles


New York


Asia & Oceania

Hong Kong







South America

Sāo Paulo


NR Hosting Free CDN

How a CDN works

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is all about making a website load faster for all users, wherever they are in the world.

This is done by storing (caching) copies of your website on servers at the network edge. For example, if your website is hosted at a UK data centre, there might be a delay if you try to access that site from the USA. So a copy of your website is stored on a server closer to the user, called a Point of Presence (POP).

Multiple copies of your site’s data is stored at different POPs throughout the world, so your site will load faster in remote places. Your users will navigate your site more efficiently, wherever they are.

While it’s good for users, it also helps your website in other ways. Search engines love fast-loading sites so there’s an SEO benefit to having a CDN.

NR Hosting Free CDN

Our free CDN

Our CDN offers the same edge caching features as paid CDNs from providers like Cloudflare.

While it has one-click activation, we give advanced users the option of development mode, and dynamic/custom cache settings – freedom to experiment.

You can purge the cache in a click to make instant updates. Nuisance visitors can be blocked by IP address or country.

Stay on top of site performance and monitor for problems with our comprehensive set of statistics. It gives raw data on CDN activity, presented in charts. So you can make informed decisions on traffic trends and monitor for issues following site changes.

Compare our free CDN

Other companies offer ‘hosting with a CDN’, but just offer Cloudflare’s free package along with your hosting.
Our CDN is different. We give you the premium features of paid CDNs – but without the cost.

NR Hosting CDN
NR Hosting Free CDN

Why use our CDN?

While a fast-loading site on desktop is important, mobile devices are now the most common way to access the web. Mobile networks are slower, and phones are less powerful than desktops – so a site that’s fast on a desktop machine can crawl on a phone.

This can impact your bottom line: when page load time increases from 1 second to 5 seconds, the probability of a user abandoning your page rises by 90% (Google). People are impatient and unwilling to wait for a slow web page: latency costs you money.

Our CDN reduces latency through its edge caching and optimises your website content for snappy, responsive page loads.


Google’s messaging about site speed couldn’t be more clear: fast sites rank higher, and slow sites may receive a penalty. Site speed has become increasingly important to ranking on all search engines’ results pages.

A search engine wants to be popular. It can only achieve that by giving users results that satisfy them. If you click a link that doesn’t load quickly, you’re more likely to return to the search results and try an alternative. That alternative might be a competitor, and the search engine could rank that competitor higher next time. So you could lose ranking, as well as a sale.

Our CDN and website optimisation tools will help shave off those all-important seconds from load time – improving its SEO performance wherever your customers are in the world.

Data costs

Some of us are lucky enough to live in locations where the cost of data is low. But it’s not the same everywhere. If your market is global you should consider this. In some places, a smartphone is the only portal to the internet for most people and data can be expensive.

Understandably, mobile users are reluctant to stay on sluggish, data-hungry websites. Our optimisations will help to make your site load quickly on slow networks and low-spec devices, keeping users engaged.

Data also has a cost to the environment: larger downloads and long-distance data transfers consume more energy and produce CO2. Reducing the payload of your website lessens its overall carbon footprint. So by using our CDN you can limit harm to the planet too.

Features at your fingertips

Every website is different, so our gives you control over every feature, directly from our control panels. All options are exposed so you can fine-tune performance.

For example, as well as global edge caching, you can control whether images, CSS and JavaScript are cached independently.

Our Website Acceleration Suite includes over 40 different ways to improve your website’s speed. You can save performance settings as templates and apply that template to any other website in your account.

Why is a CDN important?

For any company that has an international presence – or wants an international presence – a CDN is important. It means that your website will load fast anywhere in the world. Fast sites lead to more sales and better search performance.

What if I just serve my local community? Why should I use a CDN?

You might think CDN may not be important to you if you’re a local ‘bricks and mortar’ business that only serves your nearby community. That’s understandable, but having a fast site gives you SEO advantages, even locally. So even if you don’t have an international market, it’s still worth activating your free CDN and making use of its website speed acceleration.

When to use a CDN?

We say: since ours is free, use it all the time! There’s no disadvantage to using it, and unlike some providers, our CDN doesn’t charge you for the bandwidth you use.

The only time you might want to turn off any of the Website Acceleration Suite optimisations are if they interfere with any complex functions on your site. Our friendly support team is here to help if you have any difficulties.

There must be a catch. How do you manage to make it a free unlimited CDN?

Don’t worry: we promise no ads, and everything’s above-board. We’re committed to using new technologies to change web hosting for the better. So our free CDN is our way of making our world-class web hosting even better value.